In the animated series, titled Exploding Kittens, the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell reaches epic proportions when both God and the Devil are sent to Earth - in the bodies of chunky house cats. Exploding Kittens - The Game, an exclusive version of the belovedmobile game, will launch on Netflix in May, followed by an adult animated comedy series coming in 2023, starring Tom Ellis ( Rush, Lucifer ), Abraham Lim ( Clickbait,The Boys ), Lucy Liu ( Shazam, Elementary ), Ally Maki ( Wrecked, Toy Story 4 ), Mark Proksch (What We Do In The Shadows, Better Call Saul ) and Sasheer Zamata ( Woke, Home Economics ). Exploding Kittens Series Will Star Tom Ellis, Abraham Lim, Lucy Liu, Ally Maki, Mark Proksch and Sasheer Zamata Exploding Kittens - The Game Launches May 2022įor the first time, Netflix will launch a mobile game and TV series from the same franchise, building on the popular Exploding Kittens card game.